***Depending on the weather,
The Metaphysical Way may not be open.
If the weather is bad, and/or the roads are icy
or predicted to be, we will not be open,
will open late or will close early.
We will post here on the website
the most up to date information
Feel free to call Deb at 214-212-081
before you come to make sure we are open.***
Some Amethyst Properties: Protection; Divine connection; purification; release addictions; guards against psychic attack; blocks negative environment energies; strong healing & cleansing powers; enhance spiritual awareness; communication with guides & angels; open & clear 3rd Eye & intuition; enhance psychic gifts; calm or stimulate the mind as appropriate; help in meditation; focus, less scattered; enhance assimilation of new ideas; help insomnia caused by overactive mind; help protect against recurrent nightmares; enhance memory; improve motivation, helping to set more realistic goals; help remember & understand dreams; facilitate visualization; promote emotional centering; dispel anger, rage, fear, anxiety, sadness & grief; encourage selflessness; sleeping with amethyst facilitates out-of-body experiences & brings intuitive dreams; transmutes “lower” energy to higher frequency; transmutes negativity to love; can stabilize psychiatric conditions but should not be used in cases of paranoia or schizophrenia. CHEVRON AMETHYST: One of the best third eye stimulators; enhances inner, intuitive vision; enhances outer, physical vision; enhances out-of-body journey; has powerfully focused energy that dissipates and repels negativity; cleanses the aura; aids in auric diagnosis; helps find and implement positive answer to any problem; brings harmony to the organs; stimulates immune system CAUTION: Amethyst fades in sunlight!
Some Rose Quartz Properties***: Stone of unconditional love & infinite peace; teaches the true essence of love; purifies & opens the heart at all levels; brings deep inner healing & self-love; calming; reassuring; excellent for use in trauma or crisis; gently draws off negative energy & replaces it with loving energy; has been used in the treatment of vertigo; rejuvenating for both physical body & emotions; heals emotional wounds; provides message that there is no need for haste in any situation; brings calmness & clarity to emotions; restores the mind to harmony after chaotic or crisis situations; diminish burns & relieve blistering due to heat.
CAUTION: Rose Quartz fades in sunlight!
Some Tiger Eye Properties***: Protection; Wealth; Good luck; Mental clarity; Increase personal power; Enhance psychic abilities; Balance lower Chakras; Enhance practical perception; Heal issues of self-worth & self-criticism; Unblocks creativity; Aids in recognizing one's talents & abilities & faults needing to be overcome; Alleviates depression; Grounding; Integrity; Balance between extremes; Vitality; Strength; Fairness.
GOLD TIGER EYE: Aids in paying attention to detail, warns of complacency; Excellent to have for test & important meetings.
Discounts do not apply for items already on Layaway or previous purchases.
The Metaphysical Way reserves the right to limit quantities.
***Not intended as a substitute for standard medical diagnosis or treatment. Crystals are very powerful, not to be used carelessly, not to be used as a joke, but treated with respect and used for the properties that they possess and for the highest good of all who come in contact with them. The Metaphysical Way is not responsible for adverse reactions to any crystals or jewelry. If an adverse reaction occurs, remove jewelry or crystal immediately and consult a medical professional.***
No coupon needed
Good now through February 28, 2025